

Wednesday, 30 January 2013

DmC: Devil May Cry v1.0 +8 Trainer

+8 Trainer

Note: This cheat is for the original retail/Steam version of the game DmC: Devil May Cry.

Trainer Options:

F2 ~ Enable Codes
Numpad 1 ~ Infinite Health
Numpad 2 ~ Infinite Upgrades
Numpad 3 ~ Infinite Red Orbs
Numpad 4 ~ Super Score
Numpad 5 ~ Infinite Items
Numpad 6 ~ Stop Mission Timers
T ~ Super Jump
F5 ~ Save Position
F6 ~ Load Position
F8 ~ Disable All

Additional Info:

Num 2 – To use this option follow these instructions carefully. Go near the statue where you can upgrade your character then enable this option. Now upgrade your character as you wish. When you exit the upgrade screen, your upgrade point will reset back to 0 or whatever they were but don’t worry, the upgrade you purchased is permanent. To get more upgrades, just repeat the steps above. This option will automatically disable itself after a while, so you need to repeat the above steps whenever you want to get infinite upgrades and use them.

Num 5 – Your items won’t decrease upon use, letting you use them infintely.

T – To use this option, just press the key and Dante will jump far higher than he originally does. He will quickly come down though, but if you keep pressing T and then try to move forward, your character will keep jumping and moving ahead. You can keep moving ahead while in the air. If you’re falling down, just keep pressing the button and move ahead to safe place. Be careful though as in enclosed places, you might get your character out of the map if you jump too high and end up having to restart the checkpoint or the game. But used properly, it’s pretty great in getting through hard to reach areas.

F5/F6 – Lets you teleport to a previously saved position.